I am afraid
July 2023 Hello. Nice to meet you. I am afraid… I graduated. I have been longing for this moment for the past years. From now on, I am free. I’m free to choose what I learn. And because I want to keep learning for the rest of my life it means: Freedom. The last weeks […]
3 tips to read more books
My New Year resolution every year: “I want to read more books!” And I’m certainly not the only one because it’s one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions in the world. Many students, entrepreneurs, and employees want to read more but can’t find the motivation or time to do so. Therefore, the primary purpose […]
3 ways to get more ideas
You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we’re doing it Neil Gaiman 1. experimenting I was sitting alone on a camping chair, in the middle of a dark damp grass field. I could […]
How rubber bands can keep you going Don’t be scared, you won’t be hurt. Or at least, the biggest part of you won’t. There is probably lingering a small dragon somewhere inside of you. This dragon named Resistance, however, is not safe. Resistance is going to die. The Read More Warrior has found a new […]
We need to talk about our spare time
A little personal story I loved YouTube. I don’t know if I love it anymore. I think I don’t. In the majority of the previous three years, a significant part of my leisure existed of watching YouTube. The videos I watched, ranged from Kurzgesagt to Ali Abdaal. These infotainment videos contained a lot of information that I […]
How to remember what you’ve read
Neurons that fire together wire together Donald O. Hebb This biological fact will be the starting point for this post about remembering. Remembering more of what you’ve read is actually very simple. Higher Engagement = More Remembering. Additionally, we want to engage in various ways. Why do we want to do that? Well, I like […]
5 reasons why you should read more books
Why? This blog is all about reading more books. The Read More Warrior wants you to read more books and he will do anything in his power to help you with HOW to read more books. Nevertheless, it is first important to know WHY you would want to read more books. Where there’s a will, […]
When you can’t fall asleep
A Little Story “Where did the time go that I was afraid of the dark?”, I thought while lying in my bed, “Maybe I should invent some sort of reverse sunglasses which can let you see in the dark. An interesting feature might be that the brightness might be controlled so that you can train […]
Slow Steady Growth
A little story Once upon a time there was a young warrior. He was proud of his name. He called himself the Read More Warrior. He wanted to help people to read more books. He gave tips & tricks to read more and recommended great books, all under the notion of trying to get people […]
7 Lessons from 7 Books
Note: You can click on the drawings to go to a post about that subject. book 1: Show your work – Austin Kleon Lesson 1: Share your work with the world to see if it is any good. Book 2: The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse – Charlie Mackesy Lesson 2: Have […]