
7 Lessons from 7 Books – Part 2

Note: You can click on the drawings to go to a post about that subject.

Book 8: Essentialism – Greg McKeown

Lesson 8: Know what is essential

Book 9: You’re Not Listening – Kate Murphy

Lesson 9: Don’t think about what you are going to say next, just be present and ask questions.

Book 10: Courage is Calling – Ryan Holiday

Lesson 10: “Don’t be afraid to play a false note, because one false note is not as bad as a beautiful song the world will never hear.” – My great-grandmother

Book 11: The Power of Strangers – Joe Keohane

Lesson 11: Talk to strangers. If you don’t know what to talk about, just follow your curiosity!

Book 12: The Archer – Paulo Coelho

Lesson 12: Life is a journey. Fire your arrows.

Book 13: Meditation & Mindfulness – Andy Puddicombe

Lesson 13: Meditation is not only for hippies.

Book 14: The Bullet Journal Method – Ryder Carroll

Lesson 14: Get a bullet journal and use it. It will get your actions closer to your beliefs!

Your Turn

Which of the above lessons resonates most with you? Read the post linked with this lesson even if you’ve already read it. Repeating is the first step of internalization. 

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