
Curious Bird Project

Bringing curious people and ideas together

Welcome Curious Bird

Picture this:

You (a curious bird) are on the train and don’t know what to do, so you mindlessly scroll on social media. The stranger in front of you, sees the origami bird clipped on your shirt and asks:

“What’s that bird for?” 

Before you know it, you’re having one of the most interesting conversations in your life. 

And that’s when you realise that everything starts with Curiosity.

QR-code Curious bird Project

How to find
another curious bird

1. What you need:

  1. A (red) square piece of paper
  2. A paperclip
  3. Curiosity
  4. Courage

2. How to start: origami bird

  1. Fold the square piece of paper in an origami bird (Watch this clip, but don’t get lost on YouTube please!)
  2. Put the bird on a paperclip
  3. Clip the bird on your clothes
  4. Gather courage and go into the world

3. What if somebody asks about the origami bird?

  1. Congratulations! You’ve found another Curious Bird.
  2. Tell them about the project
  3. Let them to join the community
  4. Ask them to search other Curious Birds

EXTRA: How to become a curious ALBATROSS

  1. Make many paper birds with paperclips at once
  2. Paste the QR code in them (when people scan it, they come directly on this page)
  3. Carry them around all the time
  4. Give new Curious Birds their own paper bird on the spot

Origami bird: the vision

follow your curiosity

I have this vision of travelling to a far-off place and seeing a stranger with an origami bird clipped on their clothes.

Immediately I know that that person is curious and courageous. 

I go up to him/her and point to my own bird. 

A fascinating conversation unfolds and I realise that conversation would have probably never happened if I hadn’t followed my Curiosity.

follow your curiosity

Origami bird: the vision

curious origami bird

I have this vision of travelling to a far-off place and seeing a stranger with an origami bird clipped on their clothes.

Immediately I know that that person is curious and courageous. 

I go up to him/her and point to my own bird. 

A fascinating conversation unfolds and I realise that conversation would have probably never happened if I hadn’t followed my Curiosity.

Join the Curious bird Community

We’re happy to welcome you in this movement full of curious and courageous birds… uhhh.. people!

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